FOCUS: mediation, conflict coaching, dispute system design
Contact Majlie: majlie@faces-adr.org
Majlie de Puy Kamp was born and raised in the Netherlands until she was fifteen years old, she then moved with her family to San Francisco, California where she finished high school. After high school Majlie spent a year in New Delhi, India, working for an English newspaper called the Asian Age. She went back home to the Netherlands for her bachelor's degree in Political History and International Relations with an extra minor in Conflict Studies. This minor first led her to do an internship with the UK based Media Development Loan Fund in Serbia, Indonesia and Malaysia researching the impact of independent media outlets on society. During this internship her interest in the field of ADR was sparked and she applied for the Masters in Dispute Resolution program at the Straus Institute for Dispute Resolution at Pepperdine University. At the moment she is completing this degree with an internship with Europe's leading commercial ADR firm CEDR (Centre for Effective Dispute Resolution) in London.
Majlie hopes to develop her mediation skills further and focus on commercial international cases. Majlie is also very passionate about restorative justice and community mediation programs and hopes to be able to combine her commercial practice with pro bono work in the restorative justice realm.