ADR Chatroom
Financial Dispute Resolution Forum Hong Kong

Our Hong Kong face, Sala Sihombing (Adjunct Associate Professor, HKU) was delighted to be able to chair the panel discussion at the Financial Dispute Resolution Forum held 19 June 2013 at the HKIAC. The forum was co-sponsored by the University of Hong Kong Faculty of Law LLM in Arbitration and Dispute Resolution and the HKIAC. The panel featured a distinguished group of practitioners and academics including Ms Sou Chiam, (CEO FDRC), Ms Julie Crotty (Deputy Director of Mediaiton and Business Strategy, FINRA), Mr Chin-Chong Liew (Partner, Linklaters and P.R.I.M.E. Finance Expert) and Professor Yang Dong (Associate Professor, Renmin University). Professor Katherine Lynch (Director, LLM ADR HKU) gave the welcome address and had structured and organised the forum. The forum was very well attended and participants were treated to a lively discussion about the currennt state and future potential of financial dispute resolution.

From left to right, Professor Yang Dong, Ms Sou Chiam, Ms Julie Crotty, Mr Michael Wong, our face Sala and Professor Katherine Lynch.
HKIAC new Administered Arbitration Rules 2013
Our Hong Kong face, Sala Sihombing writes to highlight some of the developments reflected in the new HKIAC Administered Arbitration Rules 2013. The new rules will come into force 1 November 2013.
HKU Dialogues in Dispute

Our Hong Kong face, Sala Sihombing attended one of the first events organised under the banner of 'dialogues in dispute resolution'. Katherine Lynch (pictured left) organised the collaborative public dialogue exercise in conjunction with the Ocean Recovery Alliance in order to highlight the powerful possibilities of using dialogue to deal with difficult issues. The public dialogue was held at the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong and was well attended. Katherine is an Associate Professor and the Director of the LLM in Arbitration and Dispute Resolution at the University of Hong Kong.