Our Dutch face, Majlie de Puy Kamp writes that on Friday the 16th of November, the Dutch Mediation Institute (NMI) will once again host their annual Mediation Conference in Den Bosch, the Netherlands. The theme of this year's conference is: 'Next Level'. Now that the EU has caught onto the moving force that is ADR, Dutch mediators, lawyers, judges and legislators will discuss the next steps to be made and new challenges to face. For the full programme please go to:http://www.mediationcongres.nl/content/programma
Tickets are 245 euros, with various discounts for students and NMI accredited mediators.
This year will also be the first year where the Mediation Award will be revealed and handed out during the Mediation Conference. If you know someone who deserves this prize, check outhttp://www.mediationcongres.nl/content/mediationaward-2012-0 and sign them up!